TEAM MEMBERSLarissa Troper, Aniq Premji, Fraser Morrison, Ryan Hu
TIMELINEFeb - Mar 2023
📋 CONTEXTProject Overview
This project was undertaken as part of the MSCI 342 course at the University of Waterloo. The objective was to develop a comprehensive full-stack React web application aimed at solving a selected problem. The Problem
UWaterloo students want to join clubs offered on campus and clubs want active student engagement. But each club can independently choose a communication platform to share information (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, Discord) which makes it difficult for students to find or stay engaged with multiple clubs — resulting in a fragmented information landscape.
💡 SOLUTIONIntroducing Clubhub!Clubhub aims to improve the student experience by providing a user-friendly platform for simplifying extracurricular engagement. Our platform is designed to streamline the entire club management process, from communication to event planning and coordination, making it easier for students to fully immerse themselves in their extracurricular activities.
USER DASHBOARDUpon login, users are seamlessly guided to their dedicated dashboard homepage where they can view recent club announcements and upcoming events posted within the past week, fostering informed engagement with their club's activities.
CLUB MANAGEMENTUsers can navigate through a comprehensive list of clubs, easily joining or leaving them as desired, ensuring their extracurricular journey remains flexible and tailored to their interests.
ANNOUNCEMENTSClub admins can effortlessly post, edit, and delete announcements, while also having the flexibility to control visibility settings (whether an announcement is intended for all club members or restricted to fellow admins).
EVENT AND ATTENDANCE TRACKINGClub admins can post upcoming events, while members can easily declare their attendance status, facilitating efficient RSVP management. With real-time tracking of member participation, clubs can optimize event planning and ensure a seamless experience for all attendees.
UPLOADING CLUB PHOTOSClubs can effortlessly showcase their activities by uploading photos to their dedicated club page, while also having the ability to delete any unwanted images. With photo management, clubs can curate their visual narrative and engage their audience with captivating content